The OpalFox Method

The OpalFox Method

need support to create
the life you want?

Join me, and learn a collection of techniques to find your center through EFT Tapping & Human Design.


How you can work with me

ArcheTAP Weekly Live Group


1:1 Coaching Sessions


Kind Words

  • “I tapped along my first time to your video on Immaturity this week. It was a super helpful and relaxing meditation exercise for me. Thank you for sharing these insights!”

    Todd J.

  • “It’s really powerful (work). I feel lucky that you have decided to share.”

    Jess M.

Hello there, I’m Joan.

I’m an eternal student, with an extensive knowledge based in Reiki, Human Design, Gene Keys, Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation/Mantra, and most recently EFT (tapping).

I speak publicly on a variety of these topics and teach workshops on how to step into the life you want to live. I’m continuously creating new videos and workbooks to help with each individual’s process. Since we are all the same, and incredibly unique at the same time. I help you understand who you are truly inside and then how to show up as that version of you. We didn’t mean to, but over time we lost our way. We came here to live massive, creative, expansive lives. It is my absolute mission in life to continue to learn about myself, discover my true nature, reconnect with my brilliant Internal Guidance System and show you how you can do the exact same thing. If I can do it, so can you!

About Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping is a stress relief technique discovered in the early 90’s by Dr. Gary Craig. He discovered that verbalizing an issue while stimulating acupuncture points could bring massive relief to patients. Stimulation of acupressure points creates a sense of calm within the body and when combined with the verbalization of an issue has a positive effect on the amygdala and the hippocampus. Both of these parts of the brain play a major role in how we experience stress or fear, and the subsequent decisions we make about our lives.

It has been in clinical trials for the last 17 years, and so far its been tested on: general anxiety, test anxiety, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, PTSD, general trauma, stress, depression, addiction, pain including fibromyalgia syndrome, headaches, frozen shoulder, psoriasis, insomnia, seizure disorders, sports/athletic performance, learning disabilities/educational challenges, epigenetic and physiological functioning. Tapping can be applied to many types of people and a huge variety of issues.  

About Human Design

Your personal Human Design chart, calculated from your birth data, gives you very specific knowledge about your personality traits, your health, your personal psychology, your talents, your wisdom, and your vulnerabilities. Once you discover your unique blueprint, you begin to understand where you absorb energy and where you create it from the world around you, you can empower yourself to make choices that shape a life in harmony with your authentic self. Human Design is made up of multiple sciences and esoteric systems including Neutrinos (the smallest particles known to man that interact with the stars and galaxies and that pass through us at birth), Astrology (a mathematical calculation of relative positions of the planets) The Chakra System (the comprehension of how energy exists and moves within the human organism— multiple vortices that draw in and exchange energy with the universe), The Kabbalah/Tree of Life (how various aspects of life are interlinked), and The iChing (a 5000+ year old Chinese divination system.)   Unlock your complimentary chart and report now!